Sunday, May 29, 2016

An Evaluation of My Digital Footprint

I Googled myself to get a glimpse of my digital footprint. I'm not too sure how I feel about it. The first page of search results are my Twitter account (which I am thinking of creating an alias for), 3 links to Facebook (my special teacher account for my students, a list of accounts for the name "Glenn Verasco", and an account my friends in college made for me before I had my own Facebook), my LinkedIn account (which my fiance recently updates), my account (I momentarily thought about a career as a voice actor), two YouTube videos made by my students (a recipe and a video featuring me), (creepy), and my account (that was from my college days too).

To improve my digital footprint, I would like to do the following:

1. Change my Twitter account name to an alias. I do not use Twitter as a means of communicating with friends or colleagues. I use it almost strictly as a way to access up-to-the-minute news coverage and compliment/criticize writers after reading their articles. By switching from my name to an alias, I will be able to Tweet more freely and espouse my political views without the risk of being discriminated against for expressing myself.

2. Remember who made my fake Facebook account in college and ask him/her to delete it.

3. Achieve greatness and have my achievement covered by a major news source, so those who Google me will have a wonderful first impression of me.

1 comment:

  1. Have you thought about any practical, regular posting of professional content to make your profile more professional?
    You can report the Facebook site and they will likely take it down.
