Sunday, May 22, 2016

How can I become a more effective presenter?

To be honest, my presentation skill is one of the strongest in my overall teaching ability. I feel that I was born with the gifts of being able to be compelling, charismatic, and able to explain concepts simply and effectively. I have delivered lectures and lessons on some of the most boring material there is (sentence structure, clause types, proper citations) and managed to keep my students' eyes and minds on me and the discussed content.

If I had to come up with a weakness in my presentation ability I'd like to improve, I'd say that there are two. The first is my overall physical health. As I mentioned in my last post, I'd like to drop a few pounds and increase my stamina. By doing so, I believe I would become a more appealing presenter and able to be center stage for longer without sweating too much or needing to lean on something.

Another area to improve upon would be my breadth of mediums used to deliver presentations. I use PowerPoint often and sometimes use a simple Word Document to supplement my lessons. I am quite minimalist, and take pride in that, so extravagant technological displays are not something I desire to use in any sort of frequency. But being skilled in more programs would give me the option to give it a shot.

1 comment:

  1. I think your focus on appearance might be a little overemphasized. I truly believe that as a speaker, what you say is much more important than how you look. One of the most watched TED Talks is by Ken Robinson, and he is not at risk of being asked to model for Calvin Klein.
